Kali will not commit any dare that involves 1) murder or 2) which might threaten her already tenuous grasp on her sanity (this is a surprisingly wide swath of the dares, btw). Otherwise, she approaches things on a question-by-question and “how-much-money-are-we-talkin’?” by “how-much-money-are-we-talkin’?” basis. She currently has a really adult job which she mitigates the pain of by singing in a few bands. Not long ago, she lived in the Lower East Side in a crappy third floor walkup with bars on the windows, and before that in a windowless underground studio in Williamsburg, but recently moved on up to Brooklyn Heights. Kali is no joke at karaoke and has literally gotten many, many standing ovations (for reals) for her mind f’ing blowing rendition of “White Rabbit.”

3 Responses to “About the Lady Behind Live Wrong and Prosper”

  1. Wait, is Lauren out now?

    • Kali Says:

      She’s working on another project for now, so I’m holding down the fort. It might be more of a resident blogger/guest blogger from here on out.

  2. […] with the guilt. Because if you say yes to this, you essentially have a hand in someone’s death. As I said from the start, no dares involving murder for […]

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